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What Is A Green Witch?

Merry Meet Witches! Thank you for joining me in the first official episode of Root Tap Radio. I hope everyone is staying well and making time for you this week. This week’s episode is covering what it means to be a Green Witch.

Where do we hail from?

What do we do?

How do we differ from Kitchen witches and can the term Hedge witch be interchangeable with Green?

Settle in, grab a drink, and let's chat!

What is a Green Witch?

Green witchcraft is a subgenre within Witchcraft.

It’s a deeply personal path outside of any creed like Wicca or Druidism. It's technically impossible to initiate into a green witch path because it’s unlike any order or tradition, a witch can be born into the craft or choose the path and learn by self study or complete an apprenticeship with a wiling master. How did you come about your calling to the Green Witch path?

What does a Green Witch do?

There are no additional ethics, moral codes, or general pomp and circumstance for us. When the Earth's Commandments are upheld, you hold these naturally.

The Earth’s flow is your creed and her betterment your code of ethics. It’s far easier to work with that rhythm than going against it for some code someone tells you you have to follow. The path is much more than just having an affinity for plants and herbal medicine. It’s about opening to be in tune with the Earth and all it’s rhythms. It’s living the Wheel of the year. Following the ebb and flow of nature and adjusting our lives accordingly. It’s almost like yoga in a way; you find what feels good. This extends much further than just your spiritual practice because it becomes a way of life.

Hedge, Green, Kitchen?

When you break it down terms like Hedge witch and kitchen witch are not the same as Green Witch. Hedge witches are much like the Green Witch in that they’re a path apart, can come from any creed, and have a holistic mindset but this term is incorrect to use interchangeably because they are witches who travel between and channel spirits. A Green Witch is more focused on the physical realm more so than the spiritual realms and planes like a hedge witch treads often.

A kitchen witch is similar in that they are someone who uses plants frequently but this witch doesn’t always have the same strong affinity for Earth as the Green Witch does.

Let’s look at it this way, if you are talking to your plants like your cat or dog, you’re a Green Witch

Do Green Witches worship deities?

Not all the time.

We may worship nature as a deity herself, only work with higher energy or use primordial deities or healer deities.

Some examples may include: Brighid (Celt), Chiron (Greek), Hekate (Greek), Sekhmet (Egyptian) or primordial deities such as Gaia, Uranus, or Nyx.

Green witches are environmentalists and focus on the good of the planet. While there are many “fluffy” aspects to a GW life like plants are babies and tree hugging, the grit is that they Focuses on the earth( local environment and planet), humanity, and yourself

Where can you start learning more about Green Witchcraft?

Check out these authors at your local library or

Scott Cunningham,

John Gerald

Nicholas Culpepper

Paige Vanderbeck _Fat Feminist Witch podcast

Ann Murphy-Hincock

Herbs of the week for this episode are:

Oregano, Basil and Catnip

Famous Witch of the Week:

Mrs. Hutton

Thank you all so much for reading and tuning in! I hope you have a beautiful week ahead and until next time, merry part my friends

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Hi! I'm Bree, the founder and voice of Root Tap Radio. I'm thrilled to share a part of your journey in nature loving witchcraft! Click below to learn more about me and the origins of our favorite green witch podcast!


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